Take a Moment to Breathe

With this corona outbreak, all of us are on heightened alert to stay healthy. Every day the news challenges us to be calm, centered, balanced, serene.  I know the reports say, “don’t touch anyone, stay 6 feet away,” so, who is left to touch? No one but yourself.  In this moment, pause, take a couple of deep calm cleansing breaths.  Breathe in, Breathe out.  Feel your cleansing breath slowly enter your nose, exhale out through your mouth.  Move your hands and press the beginning of your clavicle, the two bones that protrude at the base of your throat.  Breathe in, Breathe out.  Breathe in, Breathe, out. Breathe in, Breathe out.  You have all you need, you are a divine being, you are at peace, your ancestors walk with you, trust in the unseen. This too shall pass.                 –  Luanda Wesley, LMT